
In short, this is probably the ultimate in bio- graphies of the Chevalier; even should one of our "sisterhood" arise who is equal to the authoress in technical ability, it would be most difficult for even an insider to produce a significantly better version. SHEILA NILES - 30-B-2-FPE LOMON LOMOS CONOS


Since the last issue went to press I have received a letter from the firm of attorneys that handled the appeal of our TV case to the Supreme Court. Unfortu- nately due to the press of other work the Court denied the petition to review the decision of the New York Court. This unfortunately is the end of the line as far as this particular case goes, there is nothing further that can be done here.

Yet this action was not entirely in vain. It provided a cause around which all who contributed to the Defense Fund rallied and offered proof that there is a united spirit here and that we are not just a bunch of isolated, self-centered odd balls each in her own cocoon. Rather we do have contacts, communications, and common interests strong enough to get behind an idea and push it. It will be easier next time. We got a firm of attorneys sufficiently briefed on this sub- ject to be able to take a case like this thru several New York Courts and up to the Supreme Court of the United States with researched briefs and all. This organized information will be available for the next case that we support. We got the American Civil Liber- ties Union into the act and interested them sufficiently for them to file a brief of their own as a friend of the court. Moreover we found someone with courage enough to act as the guinea pig and to allow her case to be used in this way. We all owe a vote of thanks to Felicity for her part more than she owes us for finan- cial support. Finally in carrying the case thru several lower New York Courts the subject was brought to the attention of other judges and lawyers so all is not lost. There are many points of progress here.